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Sitting at the Cool Kids’ Table

Where I grew up, high-school fame doesn’t really exist. Yes, there are cliques based on interest and some popularity, but it can’t be compared to what you see in other countries, especially in the U.S. No jocks…no princesses. I only see those in movies…and in Utherverse. Observing the community has always been fascinating to me. Experiencing how it feels…

The Wedding (Part 2)

A Justice of Peace (JOP) has magical powers…they can write with yellow in the chat box. All volunteers can, as a matter of fact. This is very useful at a wedding where you want to yell at the guests to shut up because important things, such as the vows, will get lost in the flood…

The Wedding (Part 1)

So I mentioned that yes, you can get married in Utherverse. I personally wanted a medium one. Just S. and I walking down the aisle as our best friends witness us at a beautiful little pixel place. To my biggest surprise, S. objected. No nooo…we need a huge wedding, and we need all of our…