Looking for something; Finding something else. (Part 1.)

I was sitting with my best friend on my virtual porch. I was venting.
“That’s it. I’m done. No more D/s. I will stay in Utherverse for my business and remain a volunteer. Maybe I’ll even go to a party or two. That’s it.”
“No, you won’t give it up because I won’t let you. You need this, and you want it.”
“You won’t let me, huh? One thing is for sure. I’m not gonna look for another master ever again.”
This conversation happened about a month after I said goodbye to Sir. I kept looking…I kept attracting dominants. I’m sorry to say, they were all idiots. One went paranoid and psycho on me from jealousy that he truly just imagined. Another one tried to tell me his rules and added “Got it?” to every single sentence. It was so annoying, I wanted to smack him through the screen. When I told him that just because he is dominant and I’m submissive, that doesn’t mean we match, he said I just have to submit to him…and that’s it. I blinked, laughed, and left. So yes, I wanted to give up. I felt tired and bored. I indeed stopped looking, but the gods of Utherverse didn’t let me slip away.

One day, I ran into a person who I know from our volunteer events. I had no idea he was a Dominant until our avatars found each other at a BDSM club. Why did I go there? That’s an excellent question. The answer is, again, curiosity and my deep need to achieve satisfaction. Giving up was a temporary idea of my hurt feelings. He offered me something that I never heard before: Basic training. Not to train me to himself, but to teach me general rules. That was, of course, bullshit, but I found it amusing. After a few weeks, I had been His. It just happened…I wanted to drift. The first sign that I should have paid attention to was his wish to collar me. It was way too soon, and my best friend just shook his head in front of his laptop when I told him. At this point, I admit that I’m a sucker for rituals and ceremonies. Yes, they make me feel special and more important. So, I said yes, and set up a collaring ceremony.

On the very same day, my virtual and real life has changed forever. I was in one of the transport centers, having fun with total strangers. By fun, I mean telling stupid jokes and bothering each other. A friend appeared. I have known him for 9 years; however, we hadn’t met in 8. He was a fellow volunteer…a buddy. We had a completely matching humor. We were always bantering. He sat behind me and described in private chat how he would give me a massage. Bantering…kidding…being friendly. I thought. My thoughts shifted when he told me he kissed my shoulders. What the hell is happening? We never teased each other like that. There was no sexual tone between us. I got totally confused, especially when my entire being began to respond to him. But…but…he is almost like a colleague, and I’m not single… He was not either, but his situation was very complicated. First of all, he was married in Utherverse for 10 years. I knew his wife. They drifted apart, and she left Utherverse with the promise that she may come back. Her real life posed a lot of obstacles. He (let’s just call him S. because his name is long and I’m lazy) told me he was like a puppy, waiting for his master. They had an agreement: Anything goes while she is away. He was free to have other women. He had a close friend (sometimes with benefits) who, for some reason, wanted to own him…and more. We could say she was in between the status of a bestie and a girlfriend. For all these reasons, I decided not to return the teasing. I managed to do it for a whole 2 days…