And all was well…

The relationship with my master had fallen apart during the next couple of days. Why do people change after sealing a commitment? Isn’t that interesting? It happens all the time in Utherverse. As a photographer and graphic designer, who attends weddings, I keep seeing it. Everybody is happy as can be during the wedding…by the time I make their wedding certificate, they have broken up. I guess people get cold feet (or rather frozen) in a virtual world too, but why AFTER weddings and other ceremonies? Long story short, my master tried to humiliate me by taking other women and making my pretty little avatar watch their pretty little avatars. Now before we start smiling, let me tell you something. To people who have a mind and soul, behaviors like this can cause real harm. It is not hard to abuse, humiliate, hurt someone emotionally and mentally through a virtual world, and it can be quite serious. You know, your conscious mind may know that hey, this person is far away and what I experience is not real (of course it is, but let’s deny it), but your subconscious mind and your heart don’t. In my case, however, his behavior was a blessing…I could break up with him. I admit, giving me a reason made it easier than facing him and telling him that I can’t be his anymore. He was confused and kind of childish with his reactions, but he was smart enough to know that stirring up the water even more would not lead anywhere.

My feelings were strange. All of a sudden, I felt insecure and very hurt. My good old friend explained to me that this is very common when a D/s relationship ends regardless of who initiates the break-up and why. S. listened and comforted me, although our relationship didn’t change. It was still rather the friend with benefits situation. Well, that’s how we acted with each other. There was no pressure, and I think that actually deepened our feelings. I mean the no pressure part. We were just going with the flow but kept ourselves hidden. We didn’t need rumors and the drama that is growing in Utherverse like weeds. Ex-girlfriend, ex-master, fake friends, and drama queens…no, thank you. Of course, people have good eyes and suspicions. Not sure who told her and what, but half of the ex-girlfriend’s friends removed the two of us from their friends’ list. She personally hit the magic ignore button, which means that she can’t see us, and we can’t see her. None of them were actually friends. Half the time, being friends in Utherverse means that you dance at the same club, you say “Hugs everyone,” then accept the pop-up friend requests mostly because they are annoying in the middle of your screen. S. got questions, too; however, nobody liked or believed the honest answer about his reasons to break up. It didn’t matter. We kept spending hours in our own little world every night. We chatted on Skype too, and slowly we discovered a lot of similarities in each other’s souls. Some were so similar or so matching; it was crazy. Crazy good.

One night, we were sitting on the ground in a forest, sharing Youtube links of our favorite classical music pieces, when S. told me that he made a decision. Whether his wife returns or not, he needs to move on. With me, if I accept him. He was so romantic. I melted into a puddle on the top of my bed. Every thin wall and obstacle fell down. It was all clear: we belonged to each other, and it was undeniable. He wrote a message to his wife, who, after 5 months of silence, immediately logged in. She understood and accepted. She even told him that we shouldn’t give a crap about others. Of course, she was sad, but their relationship was going nowhere, and that had nothing to do with me. The next day we “went public.” IN Utherverse, it means that you kiss and slow dance. My god, it sounds so stupid, but in a virtual world, you express yourself with whatever tools you have. Then I began to get messages from my own friends, mostly something like, “I knew it! You guys are glowing even if you’re standing at the opposite sides of the place.” And all was well.