Sitting at the Cool Kids’ Table

Where I grew up, high-school fame doesn’t really exist. Yes, there are cliques based on interest and some popularity, but it can’t be compared to what you see in other countries, especially in the U.S. No jocks…no princesses. I only see those in movies…and in Utherverse. Observing the community has always been fascinating to me. Experiencing how it feels to sit at the cool kids’ table is a completely different story, though.

S. has been popular and loved, well, since he joined Utherverse. He is all over the place sharing jokes and, more importantly, trying to help others. I saw it with my own eyes as he broke through people’s walls of shyness and brought them out of the shadow of loneliness as they finally found their voice. If there was a cool kids’ table…literally…he would definitely sit on one of the chairs. Being with him pulled me there too. All of a sudden, people noticed me. People I didn’t know otherwise. Did it make me feel good? Sure, it did. I felt more alive than ever. I trusted his judgement regarding groups. At first, I thought that my popularity was an extension of his. They liked me because I was with him. Later I realized that I was showing more of my personality around him. That made a difference. Our cool kids are not cool because they are loud or arrogant like high school kids in reality or as a matter of fact, some groups in Utherverse that bully others. Oh, there are several of them, and as I mentioned before, bullying is possible even in a virtual world. In our chosen community, the people are adults who are kind, funny, and have generous hearts. Most of them. The ones who are not drop out sooner or later when they realize that they won’t get support.

I am a very observant person, and I analyze everything. Sometimes it’s useful; sometimes it’s like a curse because it stresses me out. S. always says, “everything will be ok”. I used to get furious whenever I heard that, until I noticed that it actually calms me down. In this case, observing, and analyzing gave me valuable insight. I was watching unfolding dramas, the effects of support and protection, and how real relationships form. That is when I finally understood something I couldn’t wrap my mind around for years. An important structure in this society: the families.

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