The world of Utherverse

In a nutshell, Utherverse is a virtual world that lets its members engage in several activities while building relationships. It even allows you to earn money through selling your rays, the virtual currency. Nothing special, right? These days, you can pick from different virtual worlds from Second Life to IMVU. However, there has always been a conspicuous difference…the marketing. Yes, I’m aware that other similar websites focus on that aspect, but Utherverse A.K.A Red Light Center (RLC) has been marketed as a sex site since it was launched on the last day of 2005. Red Light Center was originally based on the real „red light” area of Amsterdam.
Its purpose was to attract people who wanted to explore and expand their sexual fantasies for a certain amount of monthly fee. There is nothing wrong with that, except that it had grown and turned into something more over the years. What else, besides getting virtually laid?
First of all, you can have a flourishing business. You can become a popular DJ using your own streaming tools, a successful clothing designer, graphics designer, photographer, and builder/decorator. As I mentioned, the virtual currency can be sold and converted into dollars. I know for a fact that some members actually earn a living (yes, they have to pay taxes)! More importantly, there are communities, such as families, groups based on sexual orientation (LGBT, BDSM) and roleplay (vampires, werewolves, fairies, and more), and of course, people who are buddies and love partying together. It’s not surprising or unusual to form romantic relationships either. You can get married in Utherverse. You can also get a divorce but let’s not talk about negative things here. Many of these marriages result in real relationships and marriages.
So why is Utherverse still marketed as a sex site? Good question. It was raised a lot of times by its members. There is no answer. The porn site advertisements are still blinking at you on your social center profile page. The purpose of this blog is to share real stories from a virtual world that is more real than many of us would think. It’s my story.